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Gym class in progress

At Solutions4Wellbeing, we care about your health and fitness.


Whether you have completed treatment with us and are ready for your next challenge, or you are looking for membership to a gym with a difference, we have you covered.

What's the difference? We service an older demographic so you will never feel out of place or intimidated by flesh flashing, shorty short wearing members who are more interested in thinking they look good than actually working on feeling great and, our gym is run by university qualified health professionals. 


The gym is fully equipped and ready for you to come and begin, or to continue, your fitness journey. Our health professionals are experienced in the prescription of individualised gym programs and the facilitation of group classes.

We have options for full membership or to pay on a casual basis and attend as and when you are able.

Try before you buy! We offer 2 complimentary gym sessions so you can try out our gym and classes before you decide if you want to commit. Speak to our administration staff to find out more.

Gym timer
Olympic weights
Gym rope





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Regular Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Friday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Saturday 8:00 am - 11.00 am 

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